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Managing food allergy anxiety and overwhelm is possible.

Mother and Son
Tamara Hubbard The Food Allergy Counselor headshot smiling

Meet Tamara

Licensed Therapist + Food Allergy Mom

A licensed therapist, international speaker, author, thought leader, and content innovator with over 20 years of clinical experience, Tamara's mission is to help families managing food allergies find their “just right” balance between feeling overwhelmed and living fully.

Founder of the Academy of Food Allergy Counseling and its therapist directory, she's been quoted in Healthline, Medscape, Forbes, NPR, Business Insider, SELF Magazine, Real Simple Magazine, and Counseling Today. Tamara has also authored articles for Healio, the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, and Allergy & Asthma Network, and her debut book May Contain Anxiety: Managing the Overwhelm of Parenting Children with Food Allergies will be published by the prestigious Johns Hopkins University Press September 2025. 

Learn how Tamara is helping food allergy families.

Tamara has been quoted in or written articles for...

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Food Allergy Worksheets

Explore helpful food allergy mental health worksheets in The FAC's Shop. These worksheets are for those living with or parenting kids with food allergies, as well as allergists and therapists. 

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Are you ready to learn more about food allergy-informed care and support?

The Food Allergy Counselor is here to help!

"Tamara is amazing! Her information on food allergy anxiety is so helpful, and I always recommend her to my food allergy friends." 

- A, former support group leader

"Tamara’s professional background as a therapist and personal experience as a food allergy parent is the perfect combo for understanding how to address mental wellness around food allergies. 

-A, Parent of child with food allergy

"Tamara is wonderful! So grateful for her, and the resources and knowledge she provides to the food allergy community! Thank you!" 

-S, Parent of child with food allergies

The Food Allergy Counselor on IG

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