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Articles by
The Food Allergy Counselor
Food allergy anxiety, mental health, mindset, and parenting tips from
licensed therapist, Tamara Hubbard, MA, LCPC

4 min read
Building Allergy Life Skills When Anxious
We know that in order to gain confidence in our ability to manage our own or our child's allergies, we have to step outside of our...

9 min read
The 6 Stages of Allergy Parenting Explained
In case you haven't had a chance to read this  initial post introducing The 6 Stages of Allergy Parenting, here's a quick overview of...

4 min read
GROW Through Allergy Discomfort
Living with food allergies and other allergic diagnoses means experiencing emotional discomfort, since uncomfortable feelings such as...

4 min read
The 6 Stages of Allergy Parenting
Learn about the stages of food allergy parenting framework and how it helps parents develop their mindset and choices for each age and stage

7 min read
2021 FAAW Tips from the Food Allergy Counselor
Food Allergy Awareness Week (FAAW) 2021 may be over, but the education and advocacy efforts won't stop! Together, we will continue to...

4 min read
Tips for Managing Oral Food Challenge Anxiety
You've likely heard the term "oral food challenge" mentioned by your allergist or in online food allergy support groups. But if you...

2 min read
The Managing Food Allergy Worry Worksheet
One of the most common questions I see being asked within the food allergy community is: "How do I help my son or daughter with their...

1 min read
Moving Forward After an Allergic Reaction
If you've ever experienced an allergic reaction or witnessed your child experiencing one, then you're likely familiar with how it can...

4 min read
3 Ways Marriages are Affected by Food Allergies
Parenting is hard enough on relationships, but add food allergies or other chronic illnesses to the picture, and even spouses with a...

1 min read
5 Steps to Build Confidence & Navigate Food Allergy Vulnerabilities
The latest podcast episode of Exploring Food Allergy Families was inspired by stories I've read about within food allergy support groups,...

2 min read
Exploring Food Allergy Dads' Experiences
As a family therapy-trained licensed therapist, I often find myself wondering about the systems in which we live. The family system, the...

2 min read
New Podcast: Exploring Food Allergy Families
I'm very excited about this announcement. Not only does it relate to topics I am passionate about, but it's also a resource that I think...

4 min read
Resources for Navigating Coronavirus Anxiety
By now, phrases like "social distancing" and "flatten the curve" are commonplace due to the current Coronavirus pandemic. Bombarded with...

2 min read
A Helpful Parenting Framework: Galinsky’s Stages of Parenthood
When a child receives a food allergy diagnosis, it's common for parents to feel overwhelmed. Worrying thoughts may fill parents' minds...

2 min read
Food Allergy Mental Health Thoughts & Thanks for 2019
CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT 2019 IS ALMOST OVER?! As this year comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past year and give...

8 min read
The Emotional Side of Food Allergy Treatments
Note: I'm not an allergist, so this piece should not be taken as medical advice. However, I'm a licensed clinical professional...

1 min read
Food Allergy Mental Health Worksheets You Can Use
Due to the positive feedback I've received for the Food Allergy Mindset worksheet I shared a few months ago, I've decided to publish...

3 min read
Updates on the Food Allergy Counselor Website & Founder Tamara Hubbard, LCPC
Does anyone else feel that time flies by so quickly sometimes that you suddenly realize it's been months since you've last worked on a...

5 min read
How to Find an Allergy-Knowledgeable Counseling Provider
You realize your anxiety levels are rising to a level that impacts your daily life, and nothing you're doing seems to be helping. An...

4 min read
Two Ways to Help Kids Build Food Allergy-Related Self-Esteem
We're all familiar with the term self-esteem, but it can be hard to describe it in a concrete manner. In the simplest of terms,...
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