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Articles by
The Food Allergy Counselor
Food allergy anxiety, mental health, mindset, and parenting tips from
licensed therapist, Tamara Hubbard, MA, LCPC

1 min read
Food Allergy Awareness Week Day 7: Food Allergy Mental Health Worksheet
Day 7: PDF Worksheet To Use or Share! Today marks the end of Food Allergy Awareness Week 2019. I've covered a lot within the last seven...

3 min read
Food Allergy Awareness Week Day 6: Fight Food Allergy Fears
Day 6: Fight Food Allergy Fears w/Facts Fear is a present-oriented basic emotion that typically occurs as a response to a real or...

3 min read
Food Allergy Awareness Week Day 5: Problem-Solving with Food Allergy Fear
Day 5: The I.D.E.A.L Method Imagine this scenario..... Your daughter comes home from the first day of school saying she made a new...

2 min read
Food Allergy Awareness Week Day 4: Food Allergy Anxiety Resources
Day 4: Food Allergy Anxiety Resources Anxiety isn't necessarily a bad emotion. Neither is stress. They can be useful feelings, driving us...

2 min read
Food Allergy Awareness Week Day 3: Thinking Traps
[Check out Episode 11 of Exploring Food Allergy Families to learn more about food allergy-focused cognitive distortions or "thinking...

2 min read
Food Allergy Awareness Week Days 1 & 2
Day 1: Food Allergy Support Groups Being a member of a health-focused support group is now about as common as stopping at Starbucks daily...

1 min read
Food Allergy Mental Health Tips for FAAW
May is not only Food Allergy Awareness Month but also Mental Health Awareness Month! Since the Food Allergy Counselor website focuses on...

5 min read
Coping with Food Allergy Tragedies
Another food allergy-related tragedy recently populated our social media feeds. This story involved a teenage boy, all set to graduate...

3 min read
Accessibility to Food Allergy-Knowledgeable Behavioral Health Professionals (Survey Results)
The food allergy community continues to express a need to focus more on the mental/behavioral health needs of individuals and families...

4 min read
The Evolution of a Food Allergy Advocate
As I was sitting in my unusually warm sunroom on this beautiful December morning, a couple of my fellow food allergy advocate friends...

2 min read
American Counseling Association Interview on Food Allergy Counseling
When an editor for the American Counseling Association's online magazine, Counseling Today, reached out to me a couple of months ago to...

4 min read
Alternative Ways to Teach Kids About Food Allergies
Have you ever thought about how your child learns best? Maybe your child has been lucky enough to have a teacher that identifies learning...

3 min read
Adults & Food Allergies: Creating A Healthy Relationship
When we enter into a relationship with someone, many of us envision a fun-loving and exciting bond with a companion exhibiting qualities...

6 min read
Siblings Without Food Allergies - Their Perceptions
As a licensed professional counselor trained in family therapy, I am always curious about how various factors impact family systems. The...

5 min read
Food Allergy Parenting Errors - Mistakes are Part of the Journey!
Written By Guest Blogger: Lori Moussapour, MA, LMSW (Originally posted on; republished with author permission)...

4 min read
When Family Members Don't Follow Food Allergy Rules
It's hard when friends don't understand or follow your family's food allergy rules, but it's even harder (and more disappointing) when...

7 min read
Navigating the Emotional Seas of Food Allergies
As a parent, there are days that are etched in your mind forever. The days your children were born. Their first words. Their first steps....
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