The latest podcast episode of Exploring Food Allergy Families was inspired by stories I've read about within food allergy support groups, experiences my clients (and I) have had, and of course, Brene Brown! You truly can't explore the topic of vulnerability without including what Brene's research has unveiled.
Vulnerability felt like an important topic to begin discussing because the truth is, we will all feel feelings of vulnerability throughout our lives. When we fall in love. When we put ourselves out there for others to see. And of course, when we navigate life with food allergies or other allergic conditions.
This 15-minute episode covers the following aspects of vulnerability:
The standard definition versus Brene Brown's definition
HOW and IF weakness plays a role in vulnerability
Real-life examples from Brene's research
What role time play in vulnerability and lack of confidence in managing allergies
Food allergy-related vulnerability examples
5 steps to work WITH vulnerability rather than AGAINST it
You can find Episode 03 here. Did you miss the other episodes covering the intro to the podcast (4 mins), and what survey responses from 90 food allergy dads revealed (26 mins)?
Find them here via the podcast website, or find Exploring Food Allergy Families on your favorite podcast app!