By now, phrases like "social distancing" and "flatten the curve" are commonplace due to the current Coronavirus pandemic. Bombarded with information, constant changes, and a world that's currently in a state of flux, anticipatory anxiety, and worry are bound to be on the rise. Please know that you're not alone! Increased anxiety, worry, and stress are natural responses in this situation, due to the unknown nature of what we're experiencing.
(NOTE: Experiencing anxiety and worry is expected, but when it becomes overwhelming, causing an inability to function or navigate daily routines, it may be best to reach out for support from a licensed clinical counselor or psychologist.)
Rather than trying to eliminate these natural worries, the goal is to work on accepting them, managing them, and navigating through them the best you can.
If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed in response to the current situation, remember the basic key components of self-care right now may include:
Limiting exposure to the news, social media, or Coronavirus discussions
Increasing self-care activities and coping strategies
Creating new daily routines within current parameters
Staying connected with friends/family - don't socially isolate
Focusing on good sleep and healthy eating
If you are looking for resources that may help navigate these feelings, check out the roundup of links below. (I'll be updating this list as new resources are available) Broken down by category or focus, these links lead to insightful information and tips to help you adjust to the unknown, manage the associated feelings/thoughts, and plan for the weeks ahead.
Coping Strategies for Stress & Anxiety:
Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook (CBT-based) (WellnessSociety.org)
Square Breathing technique (Destress Monday organization)
6 Relaxation Techniques to Reduce Stress (Harvard Health Publishing)
50 Strategies to Beat Anxiety (Psychology Today)
Relaxation Skills for Anxiety (University of Michigan Medicine)
Relaxation & Coping Skills Ideas for Kids (CopingSkillsforKids.com)
How You & Your Kids Can Destress During Coronavirus (PBS Kids)
Coronavirus Sanity Guide (podcasts, meditations, posts from Ten Percent Happier)
Help for Teens/Adults:
Tips to Stay Clearheaded (University of California - SF)
7 Science-Based Tips to Deal with Coronavirus Anxiety (The Conversation)
5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About Coronavirus (NY Times)
Your Teen Magazine's Coronavirus Hub (Your Teen Magazine)
How to Cope w/Coronavirus Anxiety, According to Psychologists (Bus. Ins)
Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty (AFSP.org)
Dear Therapist's Guide to Staying Sane During a Pandemic (The Atlantic)
Comprehensive List of Links to COVID-19 Resources (Kelsey E. Clark, MS list)
Mindfulness During Coronavirus: Harvard Professor's Tips to Lower Anxiety (ABC News)
Helping Children:
Talking to Kids About Coronavirus (Child Mind Institute)
Talking to Kids About Coronavirus: A Parent Resource (Nat. Assoc. School Psych)
How to Explain Coronavirus to a Child with Anxiety (ADDitude Magazine)
Helping Children Feel Safe in an Unsafe World (Psychology Today)
How to Talk to Your Anxious Child/Teen About Coronavirus (ADAA.org)
7 Scripts to Talk to Kids About the Coronavirus (Dr. Robyn Silverman)
Autism-Specific COVID-19 Resources for All Ages (AutismSpeaks.org)
Tips for Caregivers, Parents & Teachers During Infectious Disease Outbreak (SAMHSA.gov)
Help for Those with Chronic Health Conditions:
So You Have IBD During a Pandemic (Tiffany Taft, PsyD)
Coronavirus Advice for Those in Eating Disorder Recovery (Huff Post)
Helping Healthcare Workers:
Managing Healthcare Workers' Coronavirus-related Stress (Nat. Center for PTSD)
COVID-19 Resources for Social Workers & Therapists (SocialWork.Career)
COVID-19 Plan for Therapists: Questions, Answers, Guidelines (Zynnyme.com)
Understanding & Addressing Sources of Anxiety Among Healthcare Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic (JAMA Network)
OCD-Specific Resources:
Navigating New Temporary Routines:
Parenting During Coronavirus (Washington Post)
Navigating Grocery Store Anxiety (Huff Post w/psychologist input)
10 Strategies for Educators' Wellbeing: Handbook for Schools (SA Change)
Tips from a Home Educator: How to Manage School at Home (Help4Grief.com)
How to Help Kids Deal w/School Closings & Cancelled Plans (Nationwide Children's Hospital)
Creating Social-Emotional Connection & Resilience:
Coronavirus: World Needs More Emotional Resilience (GulfNews.com)
Slow Down to Make Better Decisions in a Crisis (Harvard Business Review)
Introverts, Extroverts & Social Distancing (Psychology Today)
How to NOT Practice Emotional Distancing During Social Distancing (Harvard Med)
Podcasts on COVID-19 Anxiety, Stress & Changes:
How Food Allergy Families Can Manage COVID-19 Stresses (Allergic Living)
Coronavirus & Parenting: What You Need to Know Now (Life Kit)
Parenting in a Pandemic (Ten Percent Happier; Susan Kaiser Greenland)
COVID-19 Anxiety, Cultivating Safeness & Polyvagal Theory w/Dr. Stephen Porges (Psychologists Off the Clock podcast)
Webinars/Videos on COVID-19 Anxiety, Stress & Changes: (Led by psychologists & mental healthcare professionals)
How to Cope When the World is Cancelled: 6 Critical Skills (Dr. Ali Mattu)
Coping with Corona Virus Related Challenges (MyOCDCare.com) 3/16 @ 4p EST
Managing Your Anxiety in an Age of Uncertainty (Dr. Galanti) 3/16 @ 8p EST