Does anyone else feel that time flies by so quickly sometimes that you suddenly realize it's been months since you've last worked on a project you're so passionate about? That's the case with the Food Allergy Counselor website blog.
Therefore, it's about time for an update!
What's New With the FAC Website?
New resources will continue to be added to the Food Allergy Mental Health resource section, so check back often! Additionally, Tamara is still hard at work looking for and networking with other allergy-informed licensed clinical counseling professionals to add to the Food Allergy Counselor Directory. (If you know of, or are an allergy-informed clinical counseling provider, please reach out to Tamara via the contact page).
What's new With Tamara Hubbard, MA, LCPC?
Lots actually!
New Private Practice:
After working in group private practices for the past nine years of her career, Tamara decided it was time to branch out on her own. Therefore, she opened her own private practice in the Chicagoland suburbs in August! In addition to supporting those managing food allergies and other allergic conditions, Tamara also focuses on women's issues, young adults, life transitions, and topics relating to motherhood.
You can learn more about Tamara Hubbard, MA, LCPC, and her counseling and consulting services via her website, www.TamaraHubbardLCPC.com.
Upcoming Speaking Engagements:
Tamara will be attending and speaking at multiple upcoming food allergy-related conferences. Will she see you there, too?
Midwest FACES Conference on September 28th - Tamara will be co-presenting two sessions with Dr. Jeanne Herzog: From Surviving to Thriving: How to Manage Food Allergy Stress (teen track), and After Anaphylaxis - Emotional Support & Stress Reduction (adult track). This conference offers sessions for kids, teens, and adults, exploring a variety of food allergy-related topics presented by top allergists and allied professionals, so you'll want to check it out!
FAACT's Teen Retreat 2019, October 4-6th - Tamara will be presenting a workshop for parents/caregivers entitled Managing Your Emotions & Self-Care. There's a whole range of workshops available for teens and parents/caregivers during this retreat, so be sure to check out the full agenda and speaker lineup, and consider attending!
Tamara was recently invited by multiple allergy-specific publications to author or share articles:
Allergic Living Magazine - Tamara authored "Mindset Matters" and co-authored "Just Keep Swimming" with Susan Kelly, RN in Allergic Living's first digital magazine edition, the Food Allergy Anxiety Guide. This ground-breaking guide offers almost 100 pages of advice, tips, and stories relating to managing anxiety and thriving with food allergies. At only $8, it's an absolute steal and a perfect resource for those managing food allergies as well as those who love them!
Coping With Allergies and Asthma - One of Tamara's popular food allergy anxiety-related articles will be featured on Coping With Allergies and Asthma's website, as well as in the Fall/Winter 2019 magazine. (These magazines are typically found in the waiting rooms at allergy/immunology offices).
New Professional Memberships & Affiliations:
Tamara was honored to be approved as an Allied Health Professional member of both the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, as well as the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology this summer!
Tamara was also recently invited to be a member of the Allied Health Professional Committee for the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. This appointment is a 2-year term.
I'm looking forward to positively impacting the allergy and immunology field through these memberships and committee appointments!
Share your feedback!
The Food Allergy Counselor website is a resource website for members of the food allergy community and their loved ones, healthcare professionals, and anyone looking to learn more about the psychosocial impacts of life with food allergies.